

Plantation, Research and Evaluation Circle

The Plantation, Research and Evaluation Circle of Forest, Environment and Climate Change Department has been making steady growth in search of excellence and striving to focus its efforts on adaptive and applied research programs for progress of forestry sector in the state. This circle is headed by Conservator of Forest, Plantation, Research and Evaluation Circle with its headquarters at Ranchi. It has three ranges, they are in Ranchi, Deoghar and Gamharia (Jamshedpur). This circle maintains three research, demonstration and extension centers in Jharkhand. The details are given in the table below.

SL NO. Research, demonstration and Extension centers Agro climatic zones Year of Establishment Total Area Latitude Longitude
1 Garhkhatanga, Ranchi Western plateau / पश्चिमी पठार 2002-03 19.5 hec N 23015’36.38 E 85025’02.80
2 Gamharia, Jamshedpur South western plateau / दक्षिणी पश्चिमी पठार 2007-08 12.5 hec N 22048’99.02 E 86007’10.00
3 Gharmara, Deoghar North east plateau / उतर पूर्वी पठार 2007-08 65 hec N 24032’13.54 E 86042’07.10
Mist Chamber
Seed Orchard
Mango Grafting
Air Layering

Mandate of the research circle are as follows:

  • Trials on modern nursery practices and raising of slow growing species, management and promoting of hi-tech nurseries, & research, in demonstration and extension center.
  • Supply of quality planting materials.
  • Short term and long term plantation related research projects and the execution.
  • Arboretum and Bambusetum to showcase species diversity and bamboos of different species and different provenance.
  • Tissue culture laboratory to produce good quality planting material.
  • Raising of plants of species which are endangered or lesser known tree species and species which have less germination percentage are raised in mist-chambers, shade-net houses in order to supply to forest divisions for use in plantation.
  • Production and supply of vermicompost.

State Silviculture:

Conservator of Forests & State silviculturist is in charge of this  research circle. There are six ranges in this circle, they are as follows :-

1. Ranchi research range
2. Hazaribagh research range
3. Lac research range
4. Goilkera research range
5. Chipadohar research range
6. Sisal range

This circle undertakes various research activities & projects that deals with various challenges faced by the forestry sector in Jharkhand like human elephant conflict, impact of forest fire, etc. The area of study  distribute through out the state.

In sisal range, Latehar, sisal plantation and sisal fibre extraction works are carried out.

Sal plants put in Green House

Sisal fibre extraction process :

Various steps of sisal fibre extraction are given below :

1. Selection of matured sisal leaves.
2. Harvesting and bundling.
3. Transportation to the sisal fibre extraction plant.
4. Extraction of fibres through machine/decortication.
5. Washing of fibres and removal of waste.
6. Hanging and drying of fibres.
7. Shining process.
8. Fibre tied together in a bundle of 4-5 kg.
9. After weighing fibres are stored in godown.

Silviculture is the art and science of controlling the establishment, growth, composition, health, and quality of forests and woodlands to meet the diverse needs and values of landowners and society such as wildlife habitat, timber, water resources, restoration, and recreation on a sustainable basis.

Sisal plantation at Latehar, Jharkhand